Friday 16 November 2012

How We Are Connected And How We Are Alone

Two things I found intersted was that she said that she saw someone talking to a robot because that person lost her daughter. When that person was talking to the robot it made her feel happy. The other thing I found intersting was that she asked what is wrong with a conversation. The other person say you can't control it and  it takes place in real time. So the person likes to talk or chat on the internet and not real life.

Some question I have is how does that person does not like to talk in real life even that person said his reason. That makes no sense. My other question is can she do what she said in the video. 

Friday 2 November 2012

Augmented Reality Tehno-Magic

Who is in the video is Marco Tempest

What it is about is that you can draw on this board thing and play around with it. So you can draw a stick person and it will move and play with you. It will look at you. You can draw stuff for the stickman.

Where it was in TEDGlobal

When did he tell us this was July 2011


How is this related to IT8
I think some day IT8 will use this to learn or something like that.

Something i found intersting is that you talk a stickman. Now you have s friend. You can draw stuff for the stick man and move stuff on the board thing. That is intersting.

Thursday 1 November 2012


  1. Lead applications developer
  2. Applications architect
  3. Messaging administrator
  4. Data modeler
  5. Network manager
  6. Senior IT auditor
  7. Senior Web developer
  8. Business intelligence analyst
  9. Chief security officer
  10. Staff consultant

Happy Halloween

       What are some typical Halloween activities that people participate in? (List at least 5)? Some would be trick or treating. Going to parties and dressing up in parties. Playing games are also some Halloween activities.
       Where does the name Halloween come from?  It comes from Pagan holy day called "All Hallows Eve.
   What day is Halloween celebrated on? It is celebrated on October 31
What does UNICEF stand for? It stands for United Nations International Children's Emergency
What are three different Halloween related attractions you can go to in the Lower Mainland? That would be Fright nights and Pne and Dunbar. They would all be in the Lower Mainland.